Creative Scholar &
Professional Intellectual


1.12.2023 PAPER
‘Where/what is Knowledge? Interdisciplinarity within Human Rights Research and beyond’, at the Symposium ‘Theoretical Foundations for Interdisciplinary‘, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.
10.10.2023 PAPER
‘Looping for Human Rights: an Ethnographic Theory of Expansion’, at the Anthropology and Sociology Seminar, Geneve Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
15.9.2023 PAPER
‘Looping for Human Rights: An Ethnographic Theory of Expansion’, at Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives, University of Helsinki
16.5.2023 PAPER
‘Searching for evidence at the UN Human Rights Committee’s individual communications: numbers and other ‘objective’ facts.’ With Reetta Toivanen. At Symposium: Evidentiary Regimes at UN Treaty Bodies,ERC-project DISSECT, University of Ghent
Book discussion on the Everyday Makers of International Law (CUP 2022) by Tommasso Soave. The American Society of International Law (via zoom, video here).
4.4.2023 PAPER
‘Methodologically Blonde at the UN in a Tactical Quest for Inclusion’ (with Dana Hausman). Human Rights Research Seminar, Lund University.
15.12.2022 PAPER
‘The resilience of human rights in a world of ongoing crisis’, Webinar on Law, Crisis & Social Resilience, Lund University.
29.7.2022 DISCUSSANT
Rethinking Pseudonyms in Ethnography. Biennial conference of the EASA, Belfast (via zoom).
12.5.2022 DISCUSSANT
Book panel: Vernacular Rights Cultures, by Sumi Madhok. Lund University.
1.4.2022 PANELIST
Plenary on Law and the End of Anthropocentrism. Doctoral Method Clinic, University of Turku.
10.3.2022 DISCUSSANT
Book Panel Discussion: Making Human Rights Right? The Future of Global Human Rights Governance by Nina Reiners (via zoom). Geneve Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.
15.12.2021 (Zoom) ROUNDTABLE
Informed Publics, Media and International Law by Daniel Joyce. London Review of International Law.
14.10.2021 KEYNOTE
‘Keeping up Standards for a Better World: Anthropological Alternatives to the Study of IOs.’ Geneve Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.
25.5.2021 INVITED TALK
‘Uhka maailmalla – uhka kotona: koronapandemian odottamattomat ulottuvuudet.’ Lounaskokous, Nordiska administrativa förbundet, Suomen-osasto.
”What UN?’ Methodologically blonde reflections on doing ethnography at the UN.’ In Webinar on Empirical Research within the UN Human Rights System. ERC-project RIVERS (Video available here).
10.5.2021 KEYNOTE
Kansainvälinen liikkuvuus ja kulttuuriyhteistyö pandemian aikana – digitalisaation mahdollisuudet. Valtakunnallinen Aleksanteri-foorumi
15.4.2021 INVITED TALK
‘Oma maa mansikka, muu maa mustikka? Suomalaisten minäkuva koronapandemiassa’. Käytännönlähtöisen tutkimuksen yhdistyksen Praba ryn 20-vuotisjuhlaseminaari, Maanpuolustuskorkeakoulu.
Arvot, ihmisoikeudet ja yhdenvertaisuus -koulutus, Oulun kaupunki. Article of training here.
‘What’s anthropology got to do with it? Methodologically blonde reflections on Anthropology, Human Rights and the Law’, Bachelor program in Law & Anthropology, London School of Economics
19.1.2021 INVITED TALK
Kaikki kotona: kuinka korona mullisti maailmamme. Korona keskellämme-esitelmäsarja, TammerNova Rotarit.
11.11.2020 PAPER
‘Vapaudet, oikeudet & velvoitteet: oikeusajattelun klassikot’. In course ‘Poliittisen ajattelun perusteet’ (by Emilia Palonen), University of Helsinki
23.1.2020 TALK
‘Scholar & New Audiences’. Winter School 2020 of Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies.
16.1.2020 CHAIR
Piiloöljy-ilta‘, Tieteiden yö, Sofia Bistro, Kiseleffin talo, Helsinki. With Allegra Lab Hki & Häiriköt päämaja.
‘Enforcing Human Rights: United Nations.‘ In lecture course ‘Introduction to Human Rights law’ (by Ukri Soirila), University of Helsinki
26.11.2019 MODERATOR
Onko oikeusvaltio kriisissä?’ Tutkas-verkosto, Pikkuparlamentti, Eduskunta. Tallenne keskustelusta täällä.
22.11.2019 PAPER (remotely)
‘Improving the World via accounting law? Reflections on Human Rights, Corporate Obligations, Law, and Politics’ In Roundtable on “Changing Climates of Politics and Law,” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, November 22, 2019, Vancouver, BC.
Tutkija ja uudet yleisöt‘. Asiantuntijuus-kurssi, Valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto
26.10.2019 TALK
‘The future of European Anthropology & the EASA’. At ‘Why the World Needs Anthropologists: Sustaining Cities‘, Oslo. Paper available here.
3.6.2019 PAPER
History of Human Rights: the Versailles perspective’, in ‘Versailles and Rights: a Centenary Appraisal’, Helsinki Col­legium for Ad­vanced Stud­ies and the Karelian Institute of the University of Eastern Finland.
21.5.2019 VIDEO
Comment on papers by Julie Billaud, and Marie-Benedicte Dembour & Susanne Melde (at 1:16-1:35), in ‘Petitions & Petitioning‘, University of Helsinki
15.5.2019 PODCAST
‘Keskusteluja elämästä ja antropologiasta‘, AlterNATIIVI, AntroBlogi (hosted by Anna Haverinen)
9.5.2019 PANELIST
‘Law and ethnography: a Methodological debate’, with Marie-Benedicte Dembour and Jane Cowan. Helsinki Socio-Legal Studies Initiative
‘Petitions and Petitioning: Voice, Politics, Practices, Codes, Technologies’. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies
8.3.2019 PAPER
Movement in the Right Direction’: An Ethnography of a Human Rights Report’, Global Governance Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
8.3.2019 TALK
Tutkimustiedon uudenlaiset viestintä- ja vaikutusmahdollisuudet. Ethnos Ry Kevätseminaari.
5.3.2019 TALK
Movement in the right direction: an ethnography of a human rights report’, Anthropology Department Seminar Series, Sussex University
Human Rights: Local, Global – and everything in between: the case study of Finland’. Course: Human Rights (By Julie Billaud), Sussex University
7-8.2.2019 DISCUSSANT
‘Law and Language: Engaging the Field’, University of Jyväskylä
Oikeudet, vapaudet & velvoitteet’. Course: ‘Poliittisen ajattelun perusteet’ (‘Rights, Liberties & Duties‘ in Course: Principles of Political Thought (by Emilia Palonen)), Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
28.1.2019 PANEL
Paneelikeskustelu ihmisoikeuksien tulevaisuudesta. KIOS 20 vuotta -juhlatilaisuus
23-25.1.2019 MODERATION
‘Academic Writing and Publishing’, Winter School of the Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies
11.1.2019 INTERVIEW
MTV3 News Broadcast at 10 pm (LIVE) on Panel on Climate change, Lava-Klubi, Night of Science (at 0:15:30)
11.1.2019 CHAIR
Sanoista tekoihin ilmastonmuutoksessa. Kuinka radikaaleja tekoja tarvitaan?’ Panel on Climate Change at Lava-Klubi Tieteiden yö 2019. (Night of Science)
11.1.2019 TALK
Tiedeviestinnän mahdollisuudet’. 1 vuotta -tilaisuus, Thirsty Scholar, Tieteiden yö 2019 (Night of Science)
5 & 13.12.2018 PAPER & ESSAY
Movement in the Right Direction: Reflections on 70 years of world improvement’. At ‘The UDHR at 70: Historical and Juridical Perspectives‘, Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies & Geneva Academy of International and Humanitarian Law. Edited version published at The Global
17.11.2018 PAPER (via skype)
Peer review 2.0 at Reflections on creativity, knowledge and novel publication formats”, Invited paper at panel by Somatosphere at the American Anthropological Association, San Jose
15.8.2018 PAPER
Dependent emancipation: the mechanisms and paradoxes of travelling human rights policies: the case of ‘LGTBI’ in 5 moments”, Bi-Annual Meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, Stockholm