2008 Doctor of Social Sciences (Social Anthropology), University of Helsinki
Supervisors: Professor Jukka Siikala (Social Anthropology), Professor Martti Koskenniemi (International Law), Examiner: Professor Sally Engle Merry (Professor of Anthropology, New York University)
2003 Master of Laws (Public International Law), University of Helsinki. Thesis grade Eximia Cum Laude Approbatur.
2001 Master’s Degree in Social Sciences (Social Anthropology), University of Helsinki
With minors in Public International Law and French (both with excellent knowledge). Thesis grade Eximia Cum Laude Approbatur. Master’s thesis chosen as the best thesis in Social Anthropology in 2001
Core Fellow, Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies, Sept/2018-Aug/2020
Docent in Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Oct/2018
University lecturer, University of Helsinki, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Jan/2018-July/2018
Associated Senior Fellow, the School of Global Studies, Sussex University, 2017-
Associated Research Fellow, Academic Platform on UN Treaty Body Review 2020, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. 2017-
Executive Director, Academy of Finland project ‘Vulnerable Lives’ (2012-2017, director Professor Marja-Liisa Honkasalo), Aug/2017-Jan/2018
Visiting Senior Fellow, Program for the Study of International Governance, Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2016-2017
Lecturer, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki, Aug/2016
Nomination as Docent in International Law, University of Turku, Finland, Aug/2016
Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Witwaterstrand, South Africa, Apr/2016
Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Turku, Finland Oct/2015-Dec/2015, (2.5 months)
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Turku, Aug/2015-
Affiliated Senior Fellow, Program for the Study of International Governance, Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Aug/2015-
Researcher, Bodies of Evidence: Interplay of Biotechnologies, Documents and Narratives (2014-2016), funded by Koneen Säätiö; University of Eastern Finland , Aug/2014-Aug/2016
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Law & Anthropology, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, Jan/2013-Dec/2013
Post-Doctoral Researcher in Academy of Finland Project ‘Human Rights: Law, Religion and Subjectivity’ (2009-2013), and the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research, University of Helsinki (2006-2011), Jan/2008-Dec/2012
Research Fellow, Finnish Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research (2006-2011), and the Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Aug/2016-Dec/2012
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, 2003-2011
Doctorate Candidate, Finnish Research School on Human Rights, Jan/2002-July/2006
Research Fellow, Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, University of Helsinki, 2002-
2021 Human Rights Monitoring in Anthropological Perspective (7,5 credits), Human Rights Master’s Program, Lund University.
2021 Research Methods and Research (15 credits). Human Rights Master’s program, Lund University.
2020 Anthropologists in the workplace. With Alina Rapin. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki (5 Credits)
2018 Legal Anthropology: Ethnography of human rights, documents and the UN. 5 op (26 hours) Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
2018 Bachelor thesis seminar. 5 op (26 hours). Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
2017 Central Themes in Social and Cultural Anthropology. 5 op (30 hours). Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
2016 Anthropological Research Problems IV: Kinship/Persons. 10 op (26 hours). Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
2015-2016 The meaning of International law in a globalized world (Kansainvälisen oikeuden merkitys globalisaation aikakaudella, OTMU 2222), Master’s level / syventävä kurssi (30h), Faculty of Law, University of Turku (supervising 10 master’s thesis)
2006-2011 (Nordic) Human Rights in Legal and Anthropological Perspective, 20-hour lecture course, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki
2010 Analysing and argumentation skills, 14 hours of lectures with Katri Havu in course Principles of legal thinking, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki
2003-2009 How to Write Academic Text, 20-hour lecture course, LL.M-Program, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki. Course includes supervising participants in the writing of their LLM-thesis (12-20 annual participants)
2018- PhD supervisor for Roman Urbanowitz, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki (with Sarah Green)
2017- PhD supervisor for Emilia Laaksonen, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki (with Martti Koskenniemi)
2012- 2014 Member of 3-person Follow-up Group for the doctorate thesis of Freek van der Vet, Alexander-Institute, University of Helsinki
Tutkitusti-verkoston yleistajuisen tiedejulkaisemisen yhteistyöhanke, Allegra Lab Helsinki, 200 000e (PI), Koneen säätiö.
2017-2018 Kone Foundation: Grant for AntroBlogi; Principle Investigator, Allegra Lab Hki (53 000e)
2017 Suomen Tiedekustantajien Liitto: Grant for Tutkitusti-platform for popularizing scholarly content; Principle Investigator, Allegra Lab Hki (27 000e)
2017 Helander Foundation: Grant for Tutkitusti-platform for popularizing scholarly content; Principle Investigator, Allegra Lab Hki (10 000e)
2016 Suomen tiedekustantajien liitto ry: Grant for Tutkitusti-platform for popularizing scholarly content; Principle Investigator, Allegra Lab Hki (5000e)
2015 Strategic Development Grant for Project on the 50th Anniversary of the ICCPR & ICESCR with Professor Outi Korhonen, Faculty of Law, University of Turku (12 600e)
2014 Academy of Finland, Grant for Bi-Lateral Exchange, University of Witwaterstrand, South Aftica (4900e)
2014 Networking Grant, University of Turku, Finland (3800e)
2014 Research Fellowship, Department of Law & Anthropology, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale (2 months)
2009 Coordinating, planning and writing an application for grant to organize two authors’ meetings at University of Helsinki, Finland, and Columbia University, US, for book project Revisiting the History of Human Rights with Dr. Pamela Slotte (20 000e)
2008 Coordinating, planning and writing application for research project Human Rights: Law, Religion, Subjectivity with Dr. Pamela Slotte and Mr. Pekka Niemelä (Principal Investigator Professor Tuomas Ojanen). The amount awarded by the Academy of Finland for the years 2009-2013 364.580 euros
2004-2005 Primary coordinator, planner and writer of project proposal for the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research (2006-2011) (Leader Professor Jan Klabbers). The centre incorporated International Law, International Relations and Social Anthropology and its project proposal was estimated as being within the top 5% of its fields internationally. The amount awarded by the Academy of Finland 1,780.800 euros (additional funding awarded by the University of Helsinki)
2002-2012 Numerous travel grants from the University of Helsinki, Finnish Research School in Human Rights; Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Erik Castrén Institute for International Law and Human Rights, University of Helsinki (for example in 2005 Chancellor’s grant to participate in the “Human Rights – the Discourse and the Phenomenon,” in roundtable at the American Anthropological Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 31 November 2005), University of Helsinki, 3 month grant to finalize PhD
2001 Helander Foundation; Grant to write Master’s thesis (1500 e)
2000 University of Helsinki; Travel grant for Fieldwork in Hyderabad, India as an NGO-trainee to work in slum development projects, fund-raising and documenting (3 months) (1500 euros)
‘Skam och likgiltighet drabbade Linda Laaksonen när hon insjuknade i covid-19‘. By Johanna Häggblom, Hufvudstadsbladet.
5.8.2019 NEWS
Article ‘Where’s the Well: DNA evidence, personal narratives and unpredictability in Finnish family re-unification’ picked as the Editor’s choice of Migration Studies – article available here as OA.
2007 Best article in Oikeus-lehti (Translation Justice-journal)
*Project budgeting as PI in project proposals including the ERC starter grant application 2018 and Kone Foundation application in 2018. Budget follow-up and accounting in the capacity of Executive Director for Allegra Lab Hki Association in 2015-2017 (annual turn-over in range of 120 000 – 145 000e).
*Teaching administration including course credit registrations and course online platform maintenance. Also internship registrations in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Helsinki.
*Conference administration in capacity of conference chair and convener, including issuing travel arrangements and invoices, as well as confirming venue reservations and infrastructure.
*Research administration by maintaining personal research databases; also personnel administration in capacity of Executive Director of Allegra Lab Hki including the employment contracts of 5 interns in years 2015-2018 as well as numerous project proposals and contracts.
24.5.2019 ‘Concepts, paradigms and slogans – From human rights to human dignity and sustainability.‘ EASA LAWNET-seminar with The Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (EuroStorie), Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS), Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
30.11-1.12.2018 How does vulnerability matter? An international conference, (conference organizer with Marja-Liisa Honkasalo), Tieteiden talo, Kirkkokatu 6
19-21 September 2017, Anticipating Law: The Prognostics of Fear and Hope, Organisers: Professor Julia Eckert, Miia Halme-Tuomisaari, David Loher and Tobias Eule with LAW-NET of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, University of Bern
January 2016, Panel Toward (lasting) Anthropology of International Law/Global Governance via Decentralization, Humanization, Audit Cultures and Fantasies of Statehood (panel organizer); 22 January, 2016, the EASA Network of Anthropology of Law and Rights, Legal anthropology in Europe at a crossroads, University of Edinburgh
19.11.2015 Book Launch: Revisiting the Origins of Human Rights, Think Corner, University of Helsinki. Arranged with Pamela Slotte, discussants Martti Koskenniemi, Reetta Toivanen, Luis Eslava & Jacob Giltaj. Video of event available at
February 2015, Academic Blogging – Who/What is it for? Seminar to celebrate the re-launch of 19 February 2015, the Finnish Institute of Berlin (seminar organizer with Julie Billaud).
December 2014, Panel Being Like a State, 113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, sponsored by the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology, 3-7 December, Washington DC (panel co-organizer with Joshua Clark)
*Panel featured in the Emergent Conversation, Part 3, series of PoLAR: the Political and Legal Anthropological Review,
August 4, 2014, International Seminar Stuck at the Gates: On Migration, Biotechnologies and the Limits of Regulation, Helsinki, Finland; sponsored by the Venture ‘Bodies of Evidence’, and co-organized by the Finnish Anthropological Society and the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki (seminar organizer & chair)
July/August 2014, Panel Boredom, Intimacy and Governance in ‘Normalized’ Times of Crisis, EASA Bi-Annual Meeting, 31 July – 1 August, Tallinn, Estonia (panel co-organizer with Julie Billaud; discussant Ghassan Hage)
November 22, 2013, Panel Where are Values? Exploring the ‘Genuine’ within the Law, 112th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Association for Political and Legal Anthropology, 20-24 November 2013, Chicago, US (panel co-organizer with Julie Billaud, discussant Sally Engle Merry)
June 7-8, 2013, International workshop History of Human Rights: Continuities, Gaps and Conflicts, Centre for International History, Columbia University; sponsored by Academy of Finland Project ‘Human Rights: Law, Religion, Subjectivity’; Niilo Helander Fund; Consortium for Intellectual and Cultural History at Columbia University (workshop co-organizer with Pamela Slotte)
November 6, 2012, International workshop Bringing International Human Rights Monitoring Home, University of Helsinki; sponsored by Academy of Finland Project ‘Human Rights: Law, Religion, Subjectivity’, the Érik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, Aleksanteri Institute, and the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights, Maastricht University (workshop co-organizer)
October 28-29, 2011, International workshop Revisiting the Origins of Human Rights, The Erik Castrén Institute, University of Helsinki; sponsored by the Academy of Finland Project ‘Human Rights: Law, Religion, Subjectivity’; Niilo Helander Fund (Workshop co-organizer)
October 28, 2011, International seminar on Human Rights and Conflicts, University of Helsinki; sponsored by the The Finnish Institute of International Affairs and Ius Gentium: The Finnish Society of International Law (Seminar organizer & moderator)
August 16-27, 2010, 23rd International Seminar Human Rights – Past, Present, Future, University of Helsinki (Chair of organizing Committee, seminar moderator)
April 24, 2009 International seminar Human Rights: Law, Religion and Subjectivity – Project Kick Off, Erik Castrén Institute, University of Helsinki (co-organizer)
April 18, 2007 ”Tutkijanura’ kriisissä!” Seminar on the problems of reserach careers organized in collaboration with The Finnish Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research and Tieteentekijöiden liitto (The Finnish Union of Researchers) (chair of organizing committee)
August 5-26, 2005 International Seminar “Global Governance – The Rule of Law and Beyond”, Erik Castrén Institute Summer Seminar, University of Helsinki (chair of organising committee)
2018 “Peer review 2.0 at Reflections on creativity, knowledge and novel publication formats”, Invited paper at American Anthropological Association 2018, San Jose, Panel by Somatosphere, 13-18 November, 2018 (presentation via skype)
2018 “Dependent emancipation: the mechanisms and paradoxes of travelling human rights policie: -the case of ‘LGTBI’ in 5 moments”, in the Bi-Annual Meeting of the European Anthropological Association, Stockholm 2018, panel ‘Policy mobility in a globalised world: how ideas and practices of governance and management travel, settle and colonise new domains’ (convened by Chris Shore & Sue Wright, Network on the anthropology of Policy) (14 to 19 of August 2018)
2017 “The Banalization of Good: Human rights bureaucracies and the exhausted utopia of world change”, in the workshop ‘The Bureaucratization of Utopia: A Workshop’, Geneva Graduate Institute, June 29-30, 2017.
2016 “Anthropologically blonde at the UN: methodological reflections of a conspicuous ethnographer”, in Bi-Annual Meeting of the European Anthropological Association, Milan 2016, panel ‘Tactics as ethnographic and conceptual objects’ (convened by Theodorius Kyriakides & Patrick Laviolette, Network of Ethnographic Theory), (July 20-23, 2016); paper will be featured as a part of a special forum in Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale
2015 “Meeting the World at the Palais Wilson: The Embodied Universalism of Human Rights Monitoring” paper presented at authors’ meeting for book Palaces of Hope: The Anthropology of the United Nations, organized by Faculty of Law McGill University & Law and Anthropology Department, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Montreal, Canada (April 20-May 1, 2015)
2014 ‘‘The State is One’: Performing ‘Statehood’ for UN Human Rights Monitoring Bodies’, paper presented at Panel Being Like a State, 113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, sponsored by the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology, Washington DC (3-7 December, 2014)
2014 “Boredom as Inverted Field”, paper presented at panel Boredom, Intimacy and Governance in ‘Normalized’ Times of Crisis, EASA Bi-Annual Meeting, Tallinn, Estonia (August 2, 2014)
2014 “The End of Utopia? Exploring ‘Success’ and ‘Failure’ within UN Human Rights Monitoring,” paper presented at the international workshop After Human Rights? Development between Resistance, Resignation and Resilience, University of Helsinki (March 13-14, 2014)
2013 “Navigating between the ‘state’ and the ‘world’ through personal engagement: How one Finnish bureaucrat expresses her ‘values’”, paper presented at the 112th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, US (November 20-24, 2013)
2013 Discussant and Chair for Session: “Contesting Normative Spaces”, at the seminar Negotiating Normative Spaces: insights from and into African judicial encounters, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale (7 – 8 November, 2013)
2013 “Mobile yet Stagnant: Examining Human Rights Monitoring”, paper held at the EASA Anthropology and Mobility Network’s Workshop Fielding challenges, challenging the field: The methodologies of mobility, Oxford, UK (September 27–28, 2013)
2013 “Lobbying for Relevance: American internationalists, French civil libertarians and the Drafting of an International Bill of Rights”, in History of Human Rights: Continuities, Gaps and Conflicts, Centre for International History, Columbia University, US (June 7-8, 2013)
2012 “Why participate? Analysis of International Human Rights Dialogue”, in Bringing International Human Rights Monitoring Home, University of Helsinki (November 6, 2012)
2012 “Contested Representation: China and the International Human Rights Dialogue,” in Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics: Asian, European and Global Perspectives, 7th Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association, Helsinki (September 25, 2012)
2011 “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the American Civil Liberties Movement,” in Revisiting the Origins of Human Rights, The Erik Castrén Institute, University of Helsinki” (October 28, 2011)
2011 “Human Rights and Conflicts in the Past and Present,” in Human Rights and Conflicts, University of Helsinki (October 28, 2011)
2011 “’The State is One’: Examining what ‘Fact’ means in the compilation of Finland’s State Reports,” in Annual Meeting of the British Socio-Legal Studies Association, University of Sussex (April 13, 2011)
2010 “Absolute and Undefined: Exploring the Popularity of Human Rights,” in 5th Annul Jyväskylä Symposium on Political Thought and Conceptual Change, University of Jyväskylä (June 11, 2010)
2007 “Human Rights in SCANET: Toward the Black Letter of Law,“ Law and Society Association – RCSL Conference Law and Society in the 21st Century, Humboldt University, Berlin (July 26, 2007)
2005 “Human Rights – the Discourse and the Phenomenon,” in roundtable at the American Anthropological Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. (November 31, 2005)
2005 “Human Rights in Time and Space Space, Territoriality and Time,” in Anthropology and Law Workshop, Birkbeck College, London (April 26, 2005)
2003 “M. Cherif Bassiouni and the New Politics of International Law,” in The New International Law, Joint FNRIL / Birkbeck Workshop, London (June 12-15, 2003)
2002 “Miccosukees, Indian Gaming and Its Effects on Indians’, Social Position,” in Maple Leaf & Eagle Conference, Renvall Institute, University of Helsinki (2-6 September 2002)
2019-2021 Member of the Editorial Board of PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropological Review.
2019-2020 Member of the Executive Committee of the European Association for Social Anthropologists.
2019-2020 Member of the Editorial board of Social Anthropology / Anthropologie Sociale
2018-2020 Member of the Steering Group of the Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies
2018-2020 Vice board member of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
2018 Chair of Allegra Lab Hki Association
2018 Member of the working group on work welfare and equality, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
2018 Member of the steering group for the Winter School of the Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies
2016-2018 Board member of the Helinä Rautavaara Ethnographic Museum Foundation
-Member of the Foundation’s Investment and Fund-raising Committee 4/2017-
2015-2017 Vice-Board member of the Finnish Anthropological Association
2017 Executive Director of Allegra Lab Helsinki Association
2014-2016 Co-Founder and Chair of Allegra Lab Helsinki (with Taina Tuori & Reetta Toivanen)
2014-2016 Co-founder and Chair of Allegra Lab Association (with Julie Billaud)
2004-2005 Board member of Ius Gentium: Society for International Law
2013- Member of the European Association for Social Anthropologists; member of LAW-NET: Anthropology of Law, Rights and Governance
2004-2006, 2013-2014, 2018 Member of the American Anthropological Association
2005- Member of the Finnish Anthropological Society
2002-2010 Member of the Nordic School in Human Rights Research
Finnish (mother tongue), English (excellent written and oral skills), Swedish (excellent oral and good written skills), French (good oral and satisfactory written skills), German (satisfactory oral and basic written skills), Spanish (basics)